Sunday, November 1, 2015

Edgewater by Courtney Sheimel (317 Pages)

Another first for me! Courtney Sheimel has written a winner. I read it in one day, didn't want it to end, and spent the last hour of reading in tears. How was I to know that I'd be crying over a relationship with a horse? This about a girl from an upper class family, a girl with a presumably never ending trust fund, a girl who never wanted for anything, a girl who suddenly finds out that the trust fund has vanished! Lorrie is responsible, but finds out that she must leave her private boarding school, return to her home, and try to figure out what in the world is going on with her crazy aunt, who has been the person governing the use of her trust fund. And just as she is starting to deal with everything, she stands at a gas station paying for gas and a coke, when she finds she doesn't have enough money for that and her card is refused, just at that moment she meets Charlie. Charlie is standing behind her and he offers to pay for her fill-up and coke. She agrees only when he says it can be a loan. They fall in love, only to find out family secrets BOTH of them have. It's a great read, and yes, it is a chick flick book! I loved it.

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