Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Shooting Kabul ( 252 Pages)

This is a short, easy read, and is very current. Students will learn many words from the Afghanistan language. But the Afghani words do not detract from the enjoyment of the read! Noor, Fadi, and Miriam are two sisters and one brother. They live in Kabul with their mother and father until Their father sat the children and his wife, Zafooda, down and told them they needed to leave Afghanistan because the Taliban has made life very dangerous. And so the next night they prepare to leave in a truck that is packed with others hoping to escape. Fadi is given the responsibility of holding Miriam's hand as they run after father. Noor has her hands full with their mother, who has not been well. As Fadi and Miriam are about to climb onto the truck, Miriam drops her Barbie and pulls away to retrieve it. At that exact moment, the Taliban screech into the square where the truck is idling, and the driver shouts that he's getting the truck out of there. Miriam is left behind.  The entire family is heartsick about the little six year old alone in a war zone. However, they continue to head towards San Francisco, California in America where father's brother and family live. The rest of the book deals with the various family members trying to find Miriam. They do!:-)

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