Wednesday, March 20, 2013

The Final Four (244 Pages)

What a great time to read this book! As March Madness grips this country for all of the basketball enthusiasts, Paul Volponi's latest book fits the bill. What has happened to me as I've become a YA addict, is that I've developed "favorite" authors. These are the authors for whom I buy their texts as soon as I see a new one surface. So it is with Paul Volponi. The Final Four presents the reader with the excitement of the final four college basketball games and the tension that accompanies each game. There are four major characters we are introduced to as team members of the two battling college teams. One of the teams is Michigan State (the Spartans) while the other team is The Trojans of Troy, Alabama. Volponi gives us the background of these four students, and I found myself rooting for several of them. At the same time, I was a little turned off by one particular student whose attitude of bravado was over the top, as far as I was concerned. Accompanying each chapter is a quote from a famous basketball player or coach.Volponi has written a wonderful book that will be adored by boys, but that also raises some interesting questions about the role of the NCAA!

1 comment:

  1. It is amazing you have reviewed this book right now: I have a basketball student who will read nothing but sports books. He's plowed through everything and I happened to be in search of a new author and book. As always: Thanks Lynn!
