Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Reunited (325 Pages)

Hilary Weisman Graham has written a terrific novel about friends and frienimies.  I know that really isn't a word, but one of my kids made it up about one of her friends with whom she had an on again/off again friendship. One day they were BFFs, and the next they were enemies. Here is a book that is about the relationship of three girls who are best friends in middle school, and then they go separate ways in high school  Their middle school years are spent listening to the band Level 3, and imagining relationships with the boys in the band. Then the band breaks up, and as though it was the glue that cemented the girls' friendship. The book shoots ahead four years, and the girls are about to graduate, when Alice hears that the band is going to have a one time concert. Alice decides that this would be enough to bring the girls together. Alice, Summer, and Tiernan, do get back together (sort of) and commence to take the "Pea Pod," an old VW green bus Alice's parents own and traveled in when they were young. Readers will laugh and sympathize with the results. It is a fun read!

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